How to make Scrambled Eggs with Bitter Gourd / 苦瓜炒鸡蛋 / easy home-style Chinese dishes
scrambled eggs with Bitter Gourd Recipe
Scrambled Eggs with Bitter Gourd is healthy and tasty at the same time. Also this recipe is extremely easy to cook. It can be made within easy steps with simple & healthy ingredients.
#Bitter Gourd #苦瓜炒鸡蛋 #炒鸡蛋 #苦瓜#Recipe #食谱 #菜谱 #中国菜 #Chinesefoodcooking #chinesefood #Scrambled EggswithBitterGourd #ScrambledEggs
Ingredients Preparation:Cut bitter gourd into halves lengthwise, remove the seeds and white pith, then thinly slice into half-moons
2. 将苦瓜用1/2小匙盐抓一抓,放置一旁
Add 1/2 tsp of salt to the bitter gourd slices and Stir well, leave aside.
3. 大火,沸水中 苦瓜焯水3分钟,再用清水沖洗降温,沥干备用。
Raise heat to high, blanch the bitter gourd slices in boiling water for 3 minutes, then rinse in cold water, drain and set aside.
4. 鸡蛋加入少许盐、清水(2小匙)搅打均匀,成蛋液,备用。
Beat eggs with salt and water (2 tsp).
5. 中火烧锅热2汤匙油,倒入蛋液,待蛋液凝固,倒出备用
Heat a pan with 2 tbsp of oil over medium-high heat, pour in the beaten eggs, allow to set for just a bit and take out; and set aside.
6. 中火烧锅热油,放入苦瓜片,炒至苦瓜透明熟透
Heat a pan with oil over medium-high heat, add bitter gourd slices and stir-fry till soft and translucent.
7. 然后,倒入之前炒好的鸡蛋块,翻炒均匀
And then, add scrambled eggs and stir fry well together with the bitter gourd
8. 最后,根据自己口味加入盐和葱花
Season to your liking with salt and chopped green onion
9.完成 Ready to be served